Earthday over the Lunar Landscape

by Stoneworks Imagery
Earthday over the Lunar Landscape
Stoneworks Imagery
Digital Art - Digital Art
Earthday over the Lunar Landscape was created in honor of Earth Day, April 22, 2021. The theme “Restore Our Earth.” was embraced by Earth Day network members of 192 member nations. We hope that this digital art image will inspire all Earth citizens to cherish and love our fragile planet and work together to protect it.
This image was taken before the separation of the LM and the Command Module during Apollo 11 Mission to the moon. Original film magazine was labeled V. Film Type: S0-368 Color taken with a 250mm lens. Approximate photo scale 1:1,300,000. Principal Point Latitude was 3 North by Longitude 85 East. In celebration of Earth Day, this digital art image is enlarged, enhanced, and colored to create this breathtaking view of the Earthrise over the lunar landscape. Original photo credit NASA Apollo 11 crew. Digital art by Stoneworks Imagery LLC reference SFF-102.
March 15th, 2021
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