Habitable Exoplanet Poseidous

by Stoneworks Imagery
Habitable Exoplanet Poseidous
Stoneworks Imagery
Digital Art
In 2153, Poseidous was discovered in the star system 82 Eridani, which lies 20.9 light-years from Earth. Though 82 Eridani is a smaller star than Earth's sun, Poseidous lies so close to it that it receives 14 percent more radiation per square kilometer than Earth. Fortunately, the planet's higher albedo, caused by the more substantial amount of water on its surface, reflects more radiation and prevents the equatorial zones from being unbearably hot.
Not one, but three moons orbit Poseidous. The diameter of the most significant measures only 42 percent of Earth's diameter, and the other two moons are much smaller. Because it lies much closer than the largest moon, the middle-sized moon appears immense in Poseidous's sky, a full 20 percent larger in diameter than Earth's moon appears from Earth. Though none of Poseidous's moons exerts as much tidal force as Earth's moon, the pull of all three moons when aligned with 82 Eridani, exceeds the maximum tidal effect on Earth. Yet because no continents exist, no place on Poseidous records any tides approaching those of Earth's Bay of Fundy.
Though 350,000 islands dot the surface of Poseidous, the ten largest contain more than 70 percent of the land. This ten range in size from slightly larger than Earth's Madagascar to slightly smaller than Great Britain. There are about 3000 islands, each measuring more than 900 square kilometers in area. Of these, some 500 exceed the size of Long Island, — which contains one of Earth's largest cities. Hundreds of thousands of small islands, not shown on the map, measure a few hectares in area and can support one or two families if equipped with rain-catching or desalinating equipment.
Exoplanet Poseidous is the second of eight planets available for emigration by all earth citizens as initially depicted in the book "Handbook for Space Pioneers" by L. Stephen Wolfe and Roy L. Wysack.
February 29th, 2020
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